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This section contains all information about current and in-progress television/film projects relating to my work. and other projects I am currently writing/have written for the screen.  If you are a producer/film-maker with an interest in discussing rights to adapt my work, please contact me directly at  


Alternatively, if you have a book adaptation/film idea you need to be written into a script, I am available to discuss rates and options. You can reach me at the email address above.  


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A dark and disturbing film about the perceptiA dark and disturbing film about the perception of right or wrong and how love is a hard bond to break. This is a film about people who could be your friends. Your neighbors. Your family and the secrets they may hold. Who really knows what happens behind closed doorson of right or wrong and how a family bond is one hard to break.






When a man is faced with an impossible decision in the face of a deadly virus, he will learn just how far he will go for those he loves, even if it means doing something unthinkable.


ROLE: Writer

PROJECT STATUS: RELEASED (Rebel Skull Productions)



TOUCH (2021)

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Wrong Time. Wrong Place. Wrong Person.


BASED ON: GLOVEBOX by Michael Bray

ROLE: Writer


ROAD TRIP (2020)

When the world ends, how will you spend your final days? For April and Lee, it means a family trip, one to their favourite holiday destinations. As they pack their two children into the car and set out on strangely deserted roads, it soon becomes apparent that the journey is as important as the destination, and that some family bonds are stronger than even death.​


ROLE: Writer

(based on the short story ' THE LIGHT THAT BROUGHT THE DARK' by Michael Bray


MONSTER (2018)

Based on the novel of the same name, Production completed in early 2018 based on a script written by Bray / Shaw



CURRENT STATUS: RELEASED (digital streaming on Amazon Prime)


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