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Eight months later!

In January, i set out to investigate the world of the Paranormal when i was offered the opportunity to shadow Gatekeepers Paranormal across a year's worth of investigations and write (from the point of view of a sceptic) a full and frank account of anything they do (or don't) encounter. some eight months later and with several investigations complete, I thought it was wise to offer an update.

The good news is the book is progressing well and there has been some compelling and interesting events which have taken place in this last few months which i hope will make the book a must read. At the time of this writing, there are just a handful of investigations left to attend with the planned closing chapter taking place at Pendle Hill in February when the team investigate the famous case of the Pendle Hill Witches.

I have also started to send proposals out to various literary agencies in relation to them representing the book and have already had a number of them show interest in the project. More on this when i have news to share.

(Please note, Artwork is for illustration purposes only)

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