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There is Evil at Hope House and the forest that surrounds it.


For Steve and Melody Samson, it was supposed to be a fresh start, somewhere to begin their new life together away from the chaos of the city.


However, their new home – an idyllic cottage nestled deep within the solitude of Oakwell forest-has a disturbing history, hidden for generations by the locals.

As Steve and Melody begin to encounter terrifying events which leave them unable to decide what is real, they come to realise that there is more to fear than the spirits of Oakwell Forest and that some secrets are best left buried. 

Once you hear them, it's already too late...


Seven years have passed…
...since the fire at Hope House. Despite surviving, the lives of Steve and Melody Samson have changed for the worse. Steve has become a virtual recluse, while Melody is consumed by guilt, and sees in their son a constant reminder of the man Steve used to be.

The town of Oakwell…
...has become a tourist hotspot for paranormal enthusiasts, eager to learn more about the 'Hope House Haunting', becoming everything the residents of the once sleepy town fought so hard to prevent.

Ambitious town councillor…
...Henry Marshall has an idea to turn the unwanted attention on the town to his own advantage, by building a hotel on the site of Hope House.

As construction begins…
...the evil within Oakwell forest stirs. Influenced by the powerful Gogoku, Marshall becomes consumed with the need to draw Steve & Melody back to Oakwell, no matter the cost…


The town of Oakwell is no more, an abandoned and overgrown relic left in the wake of the massacre at Hope House. 

When Emma Barrett discovers the secret to Hope House, the evil within awakens the deranged Henry Marshall from his catatonic state. 
As Emma gathers around her those who can bring an end to the Gogoku curse, a brutal game of cat and mouse begins.


Everything is at stake as the Whisper trilogy reaches its epic conclusion.


Blood will be spilled, sacrifices made, and redemption sought as the survivors of the Oakwell curse go head to head with the malevolent forces which have scourged the land for centuries.



When a mysterious sinkhole opens in the middle of Maple Street, nobody could imagine what was to come. 


Eight-year-old Adam Pettinger knows why the hole is there, and what lives within its black depths. 

Embry is a dying man. With his cancer terminal, he no longer has any desire to live and is goading death into taking him from a world he has grown to hate. 


Now, these two unlikely companions will learn that they are connected in ways they could never imagine and that they are the only ones who can possibly stop the unholy evil which is about to climb out of the sinkhole with deadly repercussions for all of mankind.


When Jack the Ripper terrorised London in 1888, he would spark a mystery when he disappeared and his string of violent and horrific murders ended as quickly as they began, leaving one of the worlds oldest unsolved crimes in his wake.

Now, in 1907, biographer Charles Hapgood is about to be visited a man with astonishing claims that he was the famous Ripper and wishes to tell his tale before his coming death. Sceptical at first, Hapgood agrees to hear his story, only to soon be shown indisputable proof that his visitor speaks the truth and is who he claims to be.

As Hapgood listens to the man’s tale, he is drawn into a world of pain, cruelty, horror and sadness as he discovers how an innocent child grew into the greatest living monster the world has ever seen.



When an unprecedented global scale attack plunges the world into chaos and threatens to eradicate the human race from existence, former scientist Richard Draven is tasked with finding a way to restore order.


With governments in chaos and violence rampant in the streets, a gruelling tale of survival and the strength of humanity in all corners of the globe is about to unfold as a man known only as Joshua strengthens his grip on a world close to ruin.


Following the devastation of events in Project Apex, the scattered pockets of survivors must regroup to try and find a way to combat what seems to be an unbeatable foe hell bent on eradicating humanity and reshaping the world in their own image.

When a chance discovery leads to possible glimmer of hope, Draven must race to secure the mysterious Subject A before Joshua can find him and eliminate any hope of ever stopping their horrific rampage of destruction and push humanity to the very edge of extinction.

if you enjoy the rich multi-layered character-driven storylines of shows like The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones along with the tense thrill ride storylines of Michael Crichton and James Patterson, then Project Apex is for you! It asks the question of just what makes a monster, and how far is too far when mankind pushes the boundaries of scientific progress beyond the limit of what is right and wrong.

Tyler Matthews is desperate for change. Sick of his life and plagued by alcoholism, he makes the decision to divorce his wife, sell everything he owns and travel the world to try and find focus and rid himself of his addiction.


Eventually arriving on the sun drenched shores of Australia and still plagued by his demons, he has spent all his savings and is facing the prospect of having to return to his old life. It is here that he meets two men with an outlandish story about a horde of sunken drug money in an area known as the Devil’s Triangle – Australia’s answer to its Bermuda namesake and said to be the lair of a terrifying monster of the deep.


Offered a share of the fortune if he helps retrieve it, Tyler agrees to go with the men to the location, sceptical and thinking only of prolonging his journey of self discovery. He will learn, however, that this particular urban legend is real, and they encounter a giant of the seas, the previously thought to be extinct Megalodon which makes its home within the area of the Devil’s triangle.


Barely escaping with their lives, the three men wash up on an isolated island – no more than a rocky outcrop with no vegetation, fresh water of food sources. As desperation to survive intensifies, horrifying decisions will be made that will illustrate how man is sometimes the most violent predator on earth and when left with no option will do anything, even the unthinkable, in order to survive.


How far would you go to survive? 

When faced with something you thought lived only in myth and legend, what levels would you go to in order to see those you love again?

Grueber's World of food is a brand-new late-night supermarket. However for a handful of wrong-place, wrong-time shoppers, what should be a straightforward experience is about to become a living hell on earth. 

A violent bloodbath of terror, MEAT tells the ultimate tale of trust, betrayal and how far some people will go when they discover that some monsters are quite real...

What if the next generation of reality show had your life as the prize?

The island is the largest man made structure ever constructed. Within its two hundred foot high steel walls are savage dinosaurs created for one purpose. To hunt man. In addition, of those who are chosen to enter the island, only one can leave and claim the prize.

As television screens around the world tune in to watch, the six contestants form an uneasy alliance as they battle nightmarish beasts beyond comprehension. When a secret is uncovered which could bring down the entire Lomar Corporation, the contestants find that some men are worse than monsters, and some corporations will stop at nothing to protect that which they tried so desperately to hide.

Something has awoken.

Roused from its slumber following an Antarctic ice quake, an immense beast has risen from the depths. Dwarfing even the mighty blue whale, the gargantuan wonder of evolution takes charge of the oceans, setting a catastrophic chain of events in motion.

Henry Rainwater is a rookie crab fisherman trying to make his own way in life. After surviving an encounter with the beast which sees his father and the rest of the crew of their family boat killed, Rainwater becomes a recluse, deathly afraid of the creature which lurks in the ocean.

The only man that believes Rainwater is Andrews, an ambitious scientist charged by the government to investigate the existence of the creature. Rainwater soon finds out that Andrews has different motivations for locating the beast.

Driven to find his redemption and clear his name, Henry must overcome his terror and set out to sea in order to track down and kill the creature, in the hope of finding it before Andrews and his unhinged superior, Russo can put their own plan into action, one which could have terrible repercussions for the entire human race…

Held in captivity for five years, the offspring of the creature which brought devastation to the oceans has existed in solitude as the government continue its attempts to genetically engineer without success. 
Henry Rainwater has become a drunk and a recluse, a broken man plagued by guilt over the devastation caused by his quest for the creature which ultimately cost his friends their lives.

After a security breach necessitating moving the creature to a new facility is disrupted by a group of animal rights activists, the beast is set free into ocean, forcing those who vowed never to return to face their demons one last time, and for one man whose life was devastated by the first creature to formulate his lethal plan for revenge.

Unbeknownst to them all, flamboyant billionaire Charles Decker had designs of his own on the creature, and will stop at nothing to take it for his own needs no matter the cost, financial or otherwise.

As the creature decimates all that is set before it, unlikely alliances will be formed, trusts broken and lives risked as the individual groups seek to find the creature first for their own agenda, unaware that they will soon become the hunted rather than the hunters…

Two years after the tragic death of Clara Thompson, those involved have been put to trial for freeing the creature into the ocean which, although destroyed, birthed young which were never found. When a legal loophole sees the accused go free without charge, a chance encounter for Henry Rainwater with Clara’s sister, Jade, pulls Henry back into a world he promised never to return to.

Jade’s independent investigations into the death of her sister have led her to billionaire Charles Decker, a man who she claims not only has live specimens of the creatures, but is actively breeding them. Along with Ross Mackay, Henry and Jade begin to investigate Decker who, when challenged, seems more than willing to share the information about his work, further rousing their suspicions.

When the trio are invited by Decker to the Triton Spire – a self-contained laboratory housed a mile beneath the Pacific Ocean where he is breeding the creatures - the trio discover that Decker is not being entirely open with them in relation to his intentions, and in fact has a very specific purpose in mind for pushing on with his breeding programme.

Under threat from one of the worst tropical storms on record which is due to hit the facility and potentially halt their investigation, Henry and Jade continue to search for the truth, unaware that both human and animal demons from Henrys past are about to come back to haunt him. 


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There is something in the dark. Billy can hear it, and knows it's coming for him.

From the critically acclaimed bestselling author of Whisper, Funhouse, Project Apex and The Island comes a disturbing new novella which pushes a man to the absolute extremes of his sanity.

Following a power outage, Billy sends his wife and son to stay with family whilst he awaits the arrival of the man from Trans- Energy to come and restore power to their isolated country home. Darkness draws near, and with it comes the engineer– a giant of a man who calls himself 'Grant'. 
Billy lets the man into his home, only to find that he is anything but normal. Without power or contact with the outside world, Billy is forced to deal with the extreme mental and physical torture from the increasingly unstable and volatile engineer, and is forced to go to the most extreme lengths in order to try and survive. 




In this homage to grindhouse, low-budget horror, tongue-in-cheek action movies of the 70's and cheesy 80's horror, Cody Rexell: Monter Hunter, is the birth of a brand new franchise featuring a brand new horror adventure hero! Groan along with the one-liners and follow Rexell on debut adventure!

Montana, 1959. 
When an earthquake strikes, it unleashes a horror in the shape of a sixty-foot flesh eating worm which has existed away from humanity for centuries. With the military unable to stop it, President Eisenhower is forced to take drastic if unorthodox action.

Meet Cody Rexell.
A dangerous criminal and former bounty hunter who was legendary for his no-nonsense, no-remorse methods used in order to get the job done, who after finally being captured waits in Alcatraz where faces death via execution. President Eisenhower offers Rexell a deal, one which will see him go free if only he can use his unorthodox methods to destroy the worm and keep the country safe.



Cody Rexell is back, and still doesn't give a F*ck! 


His adventures this time take him to the heat of the Mexican jungle. Barely escaping with his life from a remote village of bloodthirsty cannibals, Rexel is determined to go back and retrieve an item of great importance that was taken from him.

When a face from the past betrays Rexell and threatens to send him back to the government who are still searching for him, he reluctantly agrees to help with a covert mission to locate a drug baron who has gone missing in the jungle. As the group embark on what should be a routine mission, events unfold that puts the lives of everyone at risk and forces Rexell to revert to his uniquely violent methods to ensure those under his supervision survive.


Everything is connected. Nothing happens by accident. 
A series of seemingly separate stories carry with them a dark, underlying connection as the horrors thrust upon the lives of those involved form part of a bigger picture.

Told in a non-chronological order, Dark Corners is a story collection like no other. From the terrifying story of a couple who share a deadly secret, to the tragic final hours of a sideshow clown and the tale of a childhood prank coming back to haunt those involved in adulthood, nobody is safe, nothing is as it seems and everything is connected.
Dare you enter the lives of those involved and make the connections that are hidden beneath the surface. 

Welcome to the darkest, most violent and horrific recesses of the human mind. We've been waiting. You are welcome to come in if you dare...


From the bestselling author of the Whisper Trilogy comes a brand new collection of terrifying stories in the vein of The Twilight Zone, Tales From the Crypt and the Outer Limits.


Funhouse is a collection of 16 macabre tales in the vein of horror masters Stephen King and Dean Koontz, each with a chilling twist or a case of the ordinary becoming something utterly terrifying.


  • A man who makes an unscheduled stop gets more than he bargained for in 'CANDYLAND.' 

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  • A Group of teens discover a terrible secret on Samsonite farm in 'SCARECROWS.' 

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  • A Schoolyard bully and his former victim reunite with horrifying results in 'LONG TALL COFFIN.' 

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  • A High school party becomes an arachnid nightmare for one unfortunate guest in 'THE BOY WHO SAW SPIDERS.' 

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These are just some of the horrors hidden within the darkest recesses of the Funhouse. Look closer if you dare, and indulge in these 16 horrific and chilling tales of madness, murder, terror and insanity

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This is an INTERACTIVE experience. All evidence captured at each investigation is available to review as you read via a weblink to where it is stored. YOU decide the truth. 


Demonic entities. Physical attacks. Unexplained audio phenomena.


Not the kind of thing a sceptic would expect to encounter when setting out to shadow a Paranormal Investigation team as they travel all across the United Kingdom to visit some of its most haunted locations.

From the notorious Bodmin Jail to the home of Europe's most active Poltergeist, 30 East Drive, this is the true story of a sceptic who sets out to discover for himself the truth about the world of the Paranormal by logging his own independent evidence over the course of a year.


What he discovers along the way will shock and surprise him, as the project takes a very different direction from the one he expected, which will affect him personally in more ways than he could have anticipated.


Along the way, he will capture evidence which threatens to blow his sceptical viewpoint away, from disembodies voices, full-form apparitions captured on camera and a conversation with a demon.

And the best part is, you don't have to take the author's word for it, as every shred of evidence captured has been uploaded and made available for independent review for the reader as they make their way through the book, allowing them to make up their own mind on if it is paranormal in nature or not.

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